Fasciawork for scar tissue

19 – 20 October 2024

FasciaWork for Scar Tissue


This weekend course will be presented over a total of 12 hours to qualified physiotherapists who are interested in expanding their manual therapy skills to include working on fascia and especially scar tissue. This course is focused on the short and long-term influences scar tissue can have on patients, and especially its role in creating chronic pain. It teaches physiotherapists how to adapt their existing manual therapy skills when it comes to scar tissue, and will include novel techniques from a fascial perspective to remodel scar tissue and relieve chronic pain and the dysregulation it may cause on the autonomic nervous system.

Fasciawork for the spine

8 – 10 November 2024

FasciaWork for the Spine


This weekend course will be presented over a total of 15 hours to qualified physiotherapists who are interested in expanding their manual therapy skills to include work on fascia. This course is focused on manual therapy for the soft tissue structures surrounding and connecting to the spine. It includes practical techniques for improving pain and freedom of movement in the spine and surrounding structures. Fasciawork uses a variety of novel techniques to improve glide and fluid flow around and between muscles and joints, which improves the function of these structures tremendously. Especially for the spine, this work can improve biomechanical alignment by balancing soft tissue tension vectors around the spine. One great benefit of a fascial approach is that the techniques can be done in a much gentler way than conventional physiotherapy while still creating deep effects. This is beneficial for patients who struggle with a sensitive nervous system or chronic pain, and is also great for physiotherapists as an alternative to labour-intensive manual therapy, which is often the cause for injuries and physical burnout in professionals.