Because research about neurodiversity has traditionally been done by neurotypical scientists, without asking the...
These two types of neurodiversity are among the most common. They are sometimes confused,...
All neurodivergents are highly sensitive. Many of the struggles that neurodivergents face daily are...
To start understanding how neurodivergent brains work, we have to understand how our sensory...
Neurodiversity can be defined as the natural diversity or variation of cognitive function in...
I have worked as a physiotherapist for the last 13 years and I’ve always...
Neurodiversity was first described by the sociologist Judy Singer, neurodivergent herself, in her book...
I have always intuitively understood that human touch is healing on many levels, and...
Human touch is a very instinctual form of communication that transcends words. Intuitively, it...
There are so many wonderful movement practices accessible to us these days, and many...